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Bramford and Somersham
Primary School Federation
The 2015 Code of Practice suggests that pupils are only identified as having SEND if they do not make adequate progress once they have received interventions and adjustments alongside Quality First, differentiated learning. This means progress which:
·is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
·fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
·fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
·widens the attainment gap
If a child is identified as needing SEND support the class teacher, liaising with the SENDCo, will carry out a more detailed assessment of the child’s needs. This draws on:
·teacher assessment, their experience of the pupil, previous attainment and behaviour.
·the child’s development in relation to peers and nationally agreed outcomes.
·Parent’s views and experiences
·Pupil views and experiences
·Advice from specialist professionals
We use the following criteria to decide whether a child is added to the SEND register
·Having a diagnosed condition, or showing strong traits which are known to potentially cause a barrier to learning
·A social, emotional or mental health issue which is a barrier to learning behaviour e.g. anxiety, grief, depression
·Despite quality first teaching and focused interventions ,attainment in one or more core subjects is significantly below age related expectations -1 year or more in KS1, 2 years or more in KS2.
Children on the SEND register will have a termly review meeting for parents / carers and class teacher to review the child’s support plan