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Bramford and Somersham
Primary School Federation
Provision for the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of our children is embedded across the curriculum and underpinned by our vision and values along with our three curriculum drivers of 'health and happiness, our world and diversity.'
Pupils have many opportunities to experience the different aspects of this important area.
The ‘curriculum drivers’ support pupils’ personal development and experiences well.
Somersham Ofsted, 2020
Our ACE values and particles; varied programme of enrichment activities; outdoor learning and forest schools provision; investment in our school environments; our Christian values, daily collective worship and close links with our local churches and our ‘real life’ curriculum all make a significant contribution to this. More information, including full details of our 'real life' curriculum can be found on our individual school websites.
Provision is also made within the curriculum for the personal development of the children which includes the important areas of health and emotional well-being. We have a federation family support worker and two trained ELSAs within our federation who carry out essential work to support our pupils emotional and social development. We are also in the process of embedding the THRIVE Approach across the school which is a developmental approach to working with children to address social and emotional needs and build resilience. Our family support worker is also a trained Thrive practitioner.
We are an inclusive federation and we endeavour to ensure that all pupils have equality of opportunity across the curriculum and in all areas of school experience.
Pupils and staff are very welcoming to visitors. There is a strong sense of community.
Bramford Ofsted, 2017
The teaching and learning of cultural diversity are planned well. Pupils know that ‘people are different but equal’, and they say that they would welcome any pupil into the school.
Somersham Ofsted, 2020
We provide additional support and appropriate intervention programmes for those children who are experiencing some difficulties in their learning or their social and emotional development. This may include additional support from Teaching Assistants or small group work. As with all children, progress is monitored carefully and parents are always informed and involved in regular reviews of the child’s progress. If required, we liaise with a range of outside agencies including Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Health and the Health Service. Similarly, appropriate provision is made for gifted and talented children.
At both schools we actively promote British Values, defined by the government as the following: