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Bramford and Somersham
Primary School Federation
We strive to give parents the opportunity to communicate with school on a regular basis via:
·Gathering information for Support Plans
·Support Plan review meetings
·Information on interventions planned for your child
·Appointments with relevant members of staff as needed
·Parent interview evenings
·Home / School books
·Annual Reviews for those children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan). This gives the opportunity for parents, carers, pupils, teachers and other professionals to review progress over the year towards previously identified outcomes, to identify new ones for the future and to plan what will need to happen to achieve success.
·For pupils working with outside agencies such as the Local Authority Speech and Language Therapist, Education Psychologist parents will be invited into to meet these outside professionals.
·We can refer to the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) system and run Family Support Network meetings. These are led by the Early Help Team for families in need of support.
We take any concerns raised by parents very seriously and compare them to our own assessment and information on how the child is developing. If appropriate, and with parental consent, we contact external agencies and professionals to liaise with the school, make further assessments and recommend strategies. We may also be able to help with supporting information if a medical assessment relating to learning or behaviour is needed.