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Bramford and Somersham
Primary School Federation
·Positive transitions are in everyone’s best interests and we work hard to ensure that this happens smoothly.
·From class to class, teachers are given time to have transition meetings to discuss the needs of each child in the class. In addition, children spend time with their new teacher as an opportunity to get to know each other.
·All paperwork relating to a child’s SEND is passed to the next class teacher for consistency.
·Enhanced transition can be provided where there is a particular need
·If a child moves to another school it is the responsibility of the school SENDCO to transfer any information and documentation about the child.
·When a child moves to high school every effort is made to familiarise them with the staff and new surroundings through school visits, staff liaison and specific transition projects. Many of our local high schools offer enhanced transition for children with identified additional needs.
·We have transition meetings with our pyramid high school, Claydon High from the Autumn term in year 6 onwards so that a child’s needs are known and anticipated in advance.