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Bramford and Somersham

Primary School Federation

Pupil Health

UK Health Security Agency
Streptococcal Infections Fact Sheet

(Click image to download)

Medication in School


If your child requires medication to be administered during the school day please arrange to administer the medicine personally. If this is not possible please complete a consent from with written instructions regarding the administration of the medicine. You can download a consent form here or obtain one via the school office. 


No medicines, including over the counter products, should be kept by the pupil in their bag.


If your child suffers from a chronic or long-term complaint, e.g. asthma, allergies or epilepsy, please contact the school prior to any medication being handed in, so we can write a care plan. You must provide us with an in-date inhaler, epipen or other emergency medication to keep in school for your child should it be required. 

The School Nursing Team


The Suffolk school nursing team can offer advice and support on any matter related to your child’s health. In addition, the government runs a programme to check the health of all Reception children. This includes a height and weight check. You should receive details about this in the term that your child turns 5. A further check takes place in Year 6.


Click here to access the Suffolk School Nursing Site for further information about their services and how to contact them. A referral can also be made via the school.


What to do if your child is not well

If your child is not well and will be unable to attend, please phone school by 9:30am to confirm their absence each day they are not attending school. This is important, as we then know the child is being looked after and cared for at home.


To minimise the risk of transmission of infection to others, in cases of diarrhoea and/or vomiting, the recommended period for a child to be kept away from school is 48 hours after the diarrhoea and/or vomiting has ceased.

It would be appreciated if parents could keep to these guidelines to minimise the risk of transmission to others. 


Further guidance on deciding whether your child is too poorly to go to school can be found on the NHS website here.