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Bramford and Somersham
Primary School Federation
All teachers are teachers of children with Special Needs. The classroom teachers are responsible for the daily education of your child and their learning progress with support and advice from the SENDCo or outside agencies where necessary. It is teachers’ responsibility to ensure that strategies advised are followed and monitored.
Communication and interaction
·Children in Reception are screened using the WellComm programme and any speech and language difficulties addressed through intervention (Take this out for Somersham – or consider doing it. Sue at Bramford has the resources)
·Children can be referred to the Local Authority Speech and Language Therapists for specialist support.
·Individual learning programmes created by Speech and Language Therapists alongside LSAs who are able to continue provision between visits.
·Some children receive specific teaching and support around social communication and interaction through the following:
These interventions are likely to be carried out by our specialist ELSAs - Emotional Literacy Support Assistants at each school. These are people specially trained in emotional support for children
Cognition and Learning
Strategies to support/develop literacy including reading
·A recognition that difficulties in reading and recording do not necessarily reflect a child’s overall ability
·Small group/individual support – eg additional guided reading sessions
·Regular assessments of phonic or ‘whole word’ knowledge to support targeted intervention.
·Priority 1-1 readers
·Repetitive overlearning strategies to practise certain targeted skills for individuals
·Opportunities for alternative ways of recording, other than writing
·Targeted ‘home learning’ activities provided eg learning of small groups of ‘high frequency words
·Supported Sentence writing
Strategies to support/develop numeracy
·Small group/individual support:
·Use of small visual / physical apparatus (manipulatives)to support concrete understanding and kinaesthetic learners
·Precision teaching to address gaps in learning
·Booster groups
Provision to facilitate/support access to the curriculum
·1 to 1 adult support - this may be given for particular activities or may need to be for longer and involve modelling social skills, resilience and encouraging positive behaviour and responses. The adult’s role here is to support the child to learn independently, not to become reliant on adult support
·Specialist professional involvement to give advice eg Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, SENDAT (Special Needs and Disabilities Academy Trust) who may provide specialist reports with recommendations for provision
·Equipment to support physical access to the curriculum
·Writing slopes
·Pencil grips
·Grip rulers
·Long-loop scissors
·Coloured exercise books
·Hand rails
·Supportive seating
·Accessible toilets
·Reduced timetables
·Nurture groups
·Additional interventions
·LSA support
·Additional training on support materials
·Alternative classroom layout for crutches/wheelchair access
Strategies/support to develop independent learning
·Vocabulary displayed in classrooms
·Word mats
·Number squares
·Seating arrangements
·Adult support which facilitates active learning and independence
·Chunked instructions with visual support where working memory is a challenge
·Visual timetables to support where children have a need for routine and knowing what will happen next
·Use of Work Stations
Access to a supportive environment – IT facilities/equipment/resources (including preparation)
·The school has access to laptops as part of normal class provision
·Audio recording equipment is available
·The school is also able to call upon the services of ICT access assessors in at one of the Local Authority’s Special Schools’ outreach service.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Social Skills programmes/support including strategies to enhance self-esteem
·We are fortunate to have Family Support Practitioners employed by the federation who can work with children showing need
·We have a provision known as our ‘Sensory Hub’ to which children may be invited to work on confidence, social skills or other emotional needs
·We have ‘ELSAs’ Emotional Literacy Support Assistants at each school. These are people specially trained in emotional support for children
·We use materials from the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme to help develop social and emotional skills in assemblies and during our Personal, Social, Health Education lessons.
·The school has access to The Early Help Team who are able to work with families both in school and in the family home.
·Our family support worker is able to run or refer to positive parenting courses
·Each class has representation on the School Council. Class Council meetings allow all children to share their thoughts about the social aspects of the school, which in turn is brought to School Council Meetings by their representatives.
Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional wellbeing (including communication with parents)
·Parents are able to discuss concerns with staff at the school (eg teachers or head teacher)
·Staff make regular contact with parents either face to face or by telephone to discuss concerns and reduce pupil/parent anxiety
·Visual timetables are used to allow children to map out their day.
·Recognition of possible sensory needs supported through environmental changes, sensory breaks, use of sensory aids and circuits
·Transition work to support transfer to secondary school. Extra visits may be arranged to the new secondary school for targeted children.
·The local secondary schools provide a ‘Transition Support Worker’ to work with targeted children.
Mentoring activities
·In class activities such as ‘talk partners’
·‘Buddy System’ in Y6 to support younger children
Strategies to support positive behaviour
·Consistent approach to behaviour management through our school behaviour policy
·Rewarding positive behaviours through individual reward plans
·Recognising, promoting and rewarding positive behaviour through sharing assemblies, House Points and the class behaviour chart
·Providing children with responsibilities/jobs in school
·Providing children with opportunities to work with younger children
·Regular contact with parents
·Working with parents and pupils to create and implement Individual Positive Behaviour Plans
·Working with parents and pupils to create and implement the Suffolk Pastoral Support Framework. This is a 16 week programme in which highly personalised targets are set with parents and child to support positive behaviour for learning. It is reviewed with parents and class teacher every two weeks.
·Working in partnership with and receiving advice from our local authority’s Family Services and CISS, a behaviour outreach service.
·Consideration of ‘alternative provision’ to allow children to develop engagement and access to the curriculum.
Physical and Sensory
·Training from Special School partners for medical/personal care.
·The school has an intimate care policy which is followed for those children who need support.
·We will use individual intimate care plans where necessary
·Accessible toilet.
·External fixed ramps.
·Close adult support or more structured activities at lunchtimes can be arranged where needed
·We deliver therapy programmes, in conjunction with parents, as advised by an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist for individual pupils as part of their Support Plan.
·The school has disabled access and toilet facilities
·Specialist equipment such as writing slopes where needed to address a physical need.
·Children receive access to individual or group ‘gym trail’ and finger gym activities
·Where a child has identified sensory integration challenges, a sensory diet can be put in place to support.
·Sensory breaks / diet where needed
·Equipment to support sensory needs eg ear defenders, wobble cushions, therabands
·Access to Specialist VI and HI teachers for advice and provision.
·Sound field and radio aids to support with hearing impairment
Our SEND provision is monitored and evaluated for effectiveness by the SENDCo and class teacher, according to our SEND policy.